Wednesday, August 27, 2008

we made it to Texas

Today we officially made it into Texas. I took a picture of the Welcome to Texas sign, but this library won't let me post pictures. We're staying at a motel tonight. Hooray! It was so hot while we were biking today. It's always warm, but it usually gets better when I'm biking. I create my own personal breeze. So anyways, I think some air conditioning is going to do me good.

We spent yesterday and the night before at the Merryville Historical Museum. They offer free camping on their property, as well as bathrooms and showers. The people there were so friendly. We had three people come by and offer us cold drinks and show us around the museum and this log cabin from the 1800s that's on the property. Seeing it, I kept thinking about the Little House on the Prairie books. I read them all when I was a kid. In a way, I feel a little bit like a pioneer. Is that corny? There's just something about heading west with all our possessions on our bikes. I feel like I'm riding a horse sometimes. Especially when my saddle creaks and I'm moving at a steady pace.

Tomorrow we're heading to Silsbee, TX. I'm eager to see the change in the landscape as we move farther into Texas. Already we've been seeing pine forests and larger trees. Through most of Louisiana we were surrounded by fields and smaller vegetation. I'm looking forward to a change.

1 comment:

p swartzfager said...

So cool you are in Texas. I am going to be back home tonite. Sounds like the Merryville site was excellent. So many new places to see and new people to meet. Love reading your posts.