Tuesday, August 26, 2008

checking in, Texas bound

So we're in Merryville, LA, on rt 190, a few scant miles away from texas, and the people here are as nice as can be. When I talk to people in cities about decentralizing communities, I always feel a little bit like a liar, in that I want to believe we could manage ourselves in smaller communities, but, secretly, I don't. This sort of town makes the prospect seem a little more possible.
Anyways, today we only have a breif post for you, because I'm not entirelysure the computer here will work long enough to puiblish it. So anyways, now if we go missing, you know where to start looking, not that that will actually happen.
Does composite board count as wood? I hope so, cause it's all I had to knock on just then.
Okeedoke, until the next time,

1 comment:

Ma Sakyamuni said...

Glad to hear how you are progressing and hoping you are having fun in the process. Look forward to another more newsy post, but completely relate to the whole "will the computer last" scenario, we deal with it everyday. Ya'LL have fun. Nothing new happening on the homefront. Later, Julia's mom