Friday, August 15, 2008

New Orleans

As we were leaving the hostel in Asheville, I found this beautiful flower that I'd totally missed all the other times we'd walked up the driveway.  Thanks Asheville!  Two days later, while staying at Dave's friend Ariel's house in New Orleans, I was flipping through a plant book she has and found out that it's called Passion Vine.

We're still in New Orleans, at Ariel's house.  This will be our last night, though.  Tomorrow Dave's Mom will drive us up to Baton Rouge, and a few days later we'll start biking.  New Orleans has been fun.  We went to the Tree, walked downtown, got overpriced beer on Bourbon Street, got coffee au lait and beignets at Cafe du Monde, rode a streetcar, and ate boiled crawfish.  You know, the essentials.


I'm getting anxious to get on the road, though.  We've been talking about it and getting ready for so long.  The longer I wait to get going, the less real it feels.  Also, New Orleans is ridiculously hot and makes my stomach hurt.  But I'm still glad we got to come here.

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