Monday, August 11, 2008

pre-trip: Stasheville and the drawbacks of KY

So we'd been in Kentucky for about two days, and I'd put the finishing touches on my home-made(ish) pannier bags(pics to come) when I broke my F***ing bike.
It all started a few weeks ago. I told Julia, "I have this new chain, but my old one is working so well that I kind of don't want to switch them out, you know, don't mess with a good thing" I guess I should have followed my intuition there, because, on the first twenty foot ride con los nuevo chain, it slipped off the flywheel, running into and slicing through the outside spokes and getting wedged in the rear hub. It's not completely catastrophic. Given the right time and tools, I can fix it in an hour or two for under twenty dollars. but I'll probably let the LBS here in Asheville deal with it, that's if they think they can get it done in a single day. if they can't, I'm walking from the hostel down to the recyclery to do it myself.
Anyways, things are good. I'm catching up with some people here in Asheville and hopefully getting some of my stuff back from my old landlord who, and this is not to say anything against him, because he's a great guy, hasn't returned my call.
We'll be leaving for LA early tomorrow morning and probably arriving in Baton Rouge late in the evening tommorrow or the afternoon of the next day, depending on whether we need to stop and camp on the way down.
We started an audiobook by Amy Tan called saving fish from drowning. it's really good and should get us through alot of the driving.
Well I'm starting to ramble, but to all of my Asheville people, it's been great to see you guys again. It's also been too short a visit and it didn't come soon enough after the last one.

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