Friday, August 29, 2008

Day 11: Into the Wilderness

So, for the past two days we've been biking on big, (mostly) four-lane highways. I hate it. It's really hot and having semi's zoom past me at 70 mph isn't much fun. (Although, when they do zoom past me sometimes they make this gust of air that pushes me along, and that's kinda nice.)

See, it's big and I'm dubious. However, today we're supposed to be moving back to the smaller roads I love. We're also heading out of civilization and into the boonies. I mean the mega-boonies. There are no motels or campsites for the next 60 miles. Yup, we're gonna be on the side of the road tonight. But, that's okay. Maybe we'll luck out and find some amazing spot.

The night before la
st we were staying in a motel in Kirbyville, TX. The family running the motel had this big garden in the narrow space behind the motel. It was so neat. They had tomatoes, okra, chili's, eggplants, and more. It made me so happy to see.

There's one of the baby eggplants they were growing. So far, the people in Texas have been really nice to us. The lady running the RV Park we were staying at last night gave us brochures for Austin and even made a few calls for us this morning, trying to find a campground for us to stay in. Yea for nice people!

This is our alcohol stove. I had never used an alcohol stove before this trip, but I am completely converted. This stove is amazing. As you can see from the picture, it's already boiling. It's so fast! Maybe it's just because it's already so hot out, but this stove boils in no time.

David is the official cook of this trip. I'm the navigator. So, if we end up lost in Oklahoma or something, that's my bad.


Anonymous said...

loving the play by play...your adventure lights up my inner eye.

Up My Alley said...

Well, judging by Google maps and not being very sure of the route you're planning, if you're a few days out from Kirbyville, TX by now, seems like you should be clear of the worst of the hurricane aftermath. I've heard from most folks and everyone is fine on our end. Drop us a note when you can to let us know you're ok. And keep the blog updates coming! The pics and stories are great. I'm so excited that you're finally on your way!!!

Ma Sakyamuni said...

Love the pictures. Keep the commentary coming. You may be in for same rain, but at least maybe it will be cooler. Everybody is good here. Had a great meditation training this weekend. I am going to start sending you comments of the comment (as opposed to comments of the day.)
Time (if there is such a thing) always stands still where it is. Time does not pass. It is we who pass through it. Nithyananda