Tuesday, September 2, 2008


So we made it west of Gustav's path. I guess that's pretty much all I have to say for now. Except thgat we broke 400 miles this week! Crazy. Also, I'm adding a link on the sidebar to a 501c3 group that I've worked with in the past, in case anyone who sees the blog wants to make a donation, or just check out the work they do. I know most of you are family and friends who are checking in to see how we're progressing, but as we move further along, I may be giving the blog address out to folks who are interested in what charity we support.
Allright, catch ya' later dudes



Anonymous said...

WOW! 400 miles...what's going on in your heads during all that pedaling??
I'd probably be daydreaming about food or some other truly useless endeavor- like wishing I was doing a sudoku. Everyone here is doing what they're supposed to and is just fine- and reaaally glad to see/hear about your journey. Hope the computer keeps cooperating!!

Julia said...

I'm glad to hear you're all doing well. I definitely have some nice food daydreams. The other day I had this really long daydream about interviewing for grad school. It was kinda great. Anyway, thanks for the comments. It's nice to know people are actually reading this thing. I'll be posting again soon about our Austin adventures.