Saturday, September 13, 2008

lots of pictures

This is a rabbit we found in Austin.

Dave got this shot of the Austin skyline.

Much like a crow or raccoon, I find myself drawn to shiny objects, like glowy balls hanging from trees.

This was east of Austin on a tiny road connecting two state parks. It reminded me a bit of the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Who'd have guessed that the world's smallest Catholic church is hidden away in Texas?
This is the alter.

These are the pews.

Funny looking cactus.


p swartzfager said...
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p swartzfager said...

OH I wish I were riding along with you two. I am enjoying reading your posts and looking at the pictures and video. Scary news about that Storm. I'm glad you found help.

Work has started and I am back to marking up papers. The weather is beautiful here--cool 60's and 70's. It looks like Ike's rain will make it to NY! How about that for a hurricane track?

Unknown said...

If you are still in the area, I suggest you stop here:

for this:
"DON JUAN" - El Taco Grande
A secret combination of potato, egg, bacon and cheese in a deliciously hot tortilla. $3.25