Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Yesterday we made it into Arizona. We camped that night under tall pine trees. The next day, after only a mile of biking, we were out of the forest and into the desert again. We started the day with 14 miles of almost uninterrupted downhill. Glorious. We had a good climb after that, but then another big downhill. Tonight we're staying at a casino campground. We're going through an Apache reservation. Then, we'll hopefully make it into Phoenix by Friday.

1 comment:

Ma Sakyamuni said...

I mailed your package on Saturday, Oct. 18. The post office said 7-10 days, so hopefully that will work out for you all time-wise. Congratulations on making it into Arizona. You are certainly pedaling right along. We are good here. I planted panseys and tulips to day. We can enjoy the pansey's now and the tulips next April. Happy pedaling!