Sunday, July 27, 2008

Countdown to the bike trip: 17 days

It's getting close now. David and I will be leaving Rochester on August 6th. We'll drive down to Baton Rouge with stops in Kentucky, Asheville, and New Orleans along the way.

I only have one more day off before the 6th, so I'm frantically trying to tie up all the odds and ends. First on the agenda, preparing our food boxes. My mom has agreed to ship us boxes of food and supplies along the way. Each box has 30 days worth of dehydrated meals, 56 Clif bars, coffee, teas, toilet paper, and other random goodies.

We bought our dehydrated food over the internet. We got about 16 different kinds of vegetables, 6 different beans, and 5 kinds of tvp pseudo-meats. They came in big gallon-size jars. It took us 6 hours to divide it all up into meals.

Next task, putting together the first aid kit.